Times they are a changin’

November 17, 2010

Since the launch of Issue 1 of Self Indulged, the online mag has received over 28,000 ‘reads’ a figure which I am absolutely blown away by.  The mag stats are recorded differently from the website (the mag can also be read from other ‘external’ sites) which has received over 200,000 hits since the launch (by the way, there’s only 3 days left to go into the draw to win an ipad so subscribe HERE).  As a result a few things will be changing. This blog will move to the Selfindulged.com website and the blog and mag will all be hosted there.  At the moment I’m twittering, facebooking, blogging here, maintaining Self Indulged and then there’s my portfolio site…….

To prevent my brain having a complete melt down and to give me more time to actually shoot I have to sacrifice this site and merge it with Self Indulged, this will also be of benefit next year while I am travelling….Self Indulged in tow 🙂  I’ve moved most of the content and I’m still figuring out how to migrate the blogroll etc to wordpress.org.  For those of you who have a link to this site on your blog, it would be appreciated if you could change that when the other site goes live….which, fingers crossed, should be soon. 

In the meantime check out the images below and drool over this AWESOME Kata Bumblebee bag which is the prize for the “Where’s Dave?’ competition in Issue 2….due out 1st Dec 2010!

(And….before you ask….no, the prize doesn’t come with the camera gear!!)