Macro Mania!

July 25, 2010

Macro Mania by Sandy@SHOTS

Couldn’t resist posting the second bee 😉

Where have all the bees gone?

July 24, 2010


For the past few years there has been widespread concern about disappearing bees…I don’t know too much about it but from what I understand the worry is that pesticides and poisons are killing them off which in turn means there will be no cross pollination of crops which in simple terms means no food! Well, there’s no need to worry. I found the bees! They are all here in Perth…buzzing into my macro shots. Trying to shoot the little buggers without a flash (actually, even with a flash) is hard going and I didn’t actually intend to take any ‘insect’ shots but when they persistently buzzed into my frame the challenge was on.

I’ve been meaning to try the Canon EF 100mm f2.8L Macro IS USM lens since I switched to Canon so I hired it for the weekend from Team Digital and took myself off in search of subject matter. I’m guessing my next couple of posts will be the results and hopefully I’ve restored your faith in the future of world agriculture 🙂
